Baby Milestones 1 Month To 12 Months
Baby Milestones 1 Month To 12 Months is a brief summary of the key developmental changes from one month to one year of age.
1 Month:
- Responding to sounds and voices
- Smiling
- Following objects with eyes
- Bringing hands to mouth
- Recognizing faces
2 Months:
- Laughing
- Cooing and gurgling
- Holding head up when on tummy
- Reaching for objects
- Grasping firmly
3 Months:
- Rolling over
- Recognizing familiar things and people
- Picking up objects and transferring them
- Bringing objects to mouth to explore
- Starting to babble more
4 Months:
- Sitting with support
- Grasping objects intentionally
- Making vowel sounds
- Enjoying playing peek-a-boo
- Recognizing their own name
5 Months:
- Rolling over both ways
- Sitting for short periods without support
- Reaching for distant objects
- Babbling with consonant sounds
- Putting objects in and out of containers
6 Months:
- Sitting steadily without support
- Pulling to stand with support
- Transferring objects between hands
- Babbling with more complex sounds
- Responding to their own name and familiar words
7 Months:
- Crawling
- Pulling themselves up to stand
- Picking up small objects with thumb and index finger
- Understanding "no"
- Saying their first words (mama, dada)
8 Months:
- Standing with support for longer periods
- Cruising along furniture
- Picking up even smaller objects
- Saying 2-3 words
- Understanding simple commands
9 Months:
- Standing briefly without support
- Crawling quickly and efficiently
- Picking up objects with one hand
- Saying 4-6 words
- Following simple instructions
10 Months:
- Taking first steps with support
- Picking up even tinier objects
- Pointing to objects and pictures
- Saying 7-10 words
- Understanding simple questions
11 Months:
- Walking with assistance
- Climbing stairs with help
- Scribbling with crayons
- Saying 10-15 words
- Using gestures like waving and clapping
12 Months:
- Walking independently
- Standing on tiptoes
- Building towers with blocks
- Saying 20-30 words
- Following two-step instructions
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