Friday, September 8, 2023

Parable Of The Plough

Parable of the plough introduction 

The parable of the plough is today's bible story.  Like all of His parables, Jesus hid a secret message that He wants us to learn and apply to our lives.

Jesus told the parable because one of His disciples wanted to return home to say goodbye to loved ones.

The Lord gave an unexpected response. He told His follower that if he returned home, he would be like someone who looked back when ploughing in a field.

Even worse, Jesus said that such a person is not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven.

We'll talk about what it means to plough and the meaning of the parable.

Parable of the plough bible verses

Luk 9:61

Yet another said, “I will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.”

Luk 9:62

Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.”

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What is a plough?

A plough is a device, like a rake, that was used to loosen the soil in preparation for planting.

In bible times, ploughs were made from wood. The wooden blade would scratch the ground and loosen the soil.  Some farmers were able to afford a blade made from iron  (Revised English Version, nd).

How did a farmer plough the land?

The plough was fastened by straps or cords to a device called the yoke on the neck of the oxen. The farmer would then stand behind the oxen and the plough. 

As the oxen pulled, the farmer would hold onto the plough in order to make sure that the oxen ploughed in a straight line (Revised English Version, nd).

What does it mean to put your hands to the plough?

The farmer had to hold on to the plough and look straight ahead in order to plough in a straight line.

It was impossible for a farmer to plough in a straight line while looking backwards (Revised English Version, nd).

 If he looked behind, the oxen could veer off the straight path. The plough would make a crooked line.  

What is the meaning of the parable of the plough?

Jesus' follower asked if he could return home to say goodbye to loved ones. 

He wanted to follow Jesus everywhere, but his family was also important to him.

We don't know how long it would have taken to say goodbye.

Maybe he would have had to give many explanations to his family.

Maybe he would have had to finish up tasks before returning to the Lord's work.

Jesus didn't think that it was important to say goodbye. He preferred his disciple to focus on the work of the ministry. The disciple only had a short time with the Lord.

Jesus sends this message to us. He is saying that His followers must make Him their most important friend. 

Althought this seems very difficult to do, Jesus did not tell the man to abandon his family. 

Rather, he just wanted him to focus on buliding the Kingdom at that point in time. 

So I hope that you will make the Lord Jesus the most important person in your life.

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