Jesus Healed The Man At The Pool Of Bethesda
In a city called Jerusalem, there was a special pool named Bethesda. Lots of people who couldn't run, jump, or see very well hung out there. ⛲️
An angel would come down from Heaven once a year and stir the water. Whoever jumped in first would get healed from their diseases! ✨
One day, Jesus visited the pool. He saw a man who hadn't been able to jump or walk for a really long time - 38 years! That's like missing out on ALL the best birthday parties!
Jesus asked the man, "Hey there! Would you like to be able to run and walk again?" The man said, "Yes please! But when the water gets swirly, everyone rushes in, and I'm too slow."
Then, something amazing happened! ✨ Jesus told the man, "Stand up tall, grab your mat, and start walking!" And guess what? The man DID! He was all better, just like that! He could finally run, jump, and walk like everyone else!
But wait, there's more! Some Jewish leaders saw the man carrying his mat, and they said, "Uh oh, you're not supposed to do that on this special day!" That was the Sabbath Day or Day of Rest.
The man explained, "The kind man who healed me told me to carry it!" The man could not tell them who had told him to take up his bed and walk But the Jewish leaders still weren't happy, and they wanted to find Jesus.
Remember, even when things seem hard, Jesus wants to help! He can make amazing things happen, just like they did for the man at the super special pool of Bethesda! ✨
The most important thing is to believe the Word of God like the lame man. He received eternal life by faith.