Tuesday, January 30, 2024

What Are Some Important Milestones For 1 Year Old Baby?

What are some important milestones for 1-year-old baby? 

This is a great question and congrats on baby reaching 1 year old. Here are Important milestones for 1-year-old babies:

  • Physical: Standing with support, cruising along furniture, walking independently (some babies may start later), picking up small objects with thumb and forefinger.
  • Cognitive: Understanding simple instructions, pointing to familiar objects in pictures, solving simple problems like finding hidden toys.
  • Social and Emotional: Playing simple games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake, showing affection to caregivers, separating from caregivers with less distress.
  • Communication: Saying 1-2 words besides "mama" and "dada," babbling with varied intonation, responding to their name and simple questions.

I’d like to invite you to read more about baby milestones on our website below.

These are just general guidelines, and individual variations are normal. If your friend has any specific concerns about their baby's development, encourage them to consult their pediatrician.

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