Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Which Milestone Is Developed In A 6-month-old baby?

Which Milestone Is Developed In A 6-month-old baby? 

This is a great question. I hope my response will help you tremendously

Milestones for 6-month-old babies:

  • Physical: Rolling over in both directions, sitting with minimal support, reaching for and grasping objects, transferring objects between hands.
  • Cognitive: Recognizing familiar faces, responding to their name, showing interest in mirrors, exploring objects with mouth and hands.
  • Social and Emotional: Laughing and squealing, making eye contact and smiling, responding to different emotions, enjoying playtime with caregivers.
  • Communication: Babbling with consonant sounds, turning towards familiar voices, imitating sounds.

These are just general guidelines, and individual variations are normal. If your friend has any concerns about their baby's development, encourage them to consult their pediatrician..


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